Sample Sizes

Sample sizes of products are the best way of experimenting with different products and making yourself familiar with the brand. Over the next few weeks ill be trialling some samples that I have collated over the last month.

The samples that I have received have been from a blogger/brand partnership that send products to review on their blogs ( Im not being paid or sponsored to try these products and give a positive review. I will use these products and give my 100% honest opinion!
Or they have been things that I have picked up whilst browsing the isles of Boots and Superdrug for the latest mini's !

So the first brand...... The Beauty Mask

First a little bit about the company
**Beauty Masks Ltd are delighted to be an exclusive distributor of Timeless Truth Facial Beauty Masks within the UK and Ireland.

Timeless Truth Facial Beauty Masks are an innovative brand that unites experts from world-renowned cosmetic research institutes and cutting edge Bio-Technology, to create the “Ultimate Mask Experience."

Angela Barbagelata, of The Beauty Mask says:

‘Timeless Truth Facial Beauty Masks were a real revelation to me when I first discovered them on a trip to the Far East. I loved that I could use them either as part of a luxurious pamper evening or as part of my everyday cleansing, moisturising, beauty care routine.**

The mask that I received is the charcoal detox brightening mask. When I here the word charcoal im instantly intrigued because of it purifying qualities linked with blemish prone skin which at the moment im suffering with quite badly.

 So the mask is completely different to what I have ever used as most of the masks I've ever used have come from a tube or a pot and have done what most mask seem to do....clear the skin for a short period I have to say im not too fussy with the type of mask as I use a mixture of hydrating and stripping masks as I have to counteract the actions of the different mask depending on the condition of my skin as this was a charcoal detox and brightening mask I thought this might be a good mixture and also skip and extra step for my super lazy self.

I have to be honest the process off the mask threw me off a little its very messy and quite difficult to place on the face. Once it was on which im surprised it actually stuck to my face it was very cooling with a slight tingling sensation. I left the mask on for the full duration and when removed I was quite happy that I didn't have to go and wash my face instead I used the left over gel in the packet as a sort of serum which sank into the skin pretty quickly and made my skin feel hydrated and not stripped or dry.

My overall opinion of the mask that maybe if I used this over a period of time I would be able to notice a difference in my skin. Im not sure I enjoyed the hyped up sheet mask experience completely and would maybe prefer this if I could just use the gel as an all over mask instead.

First sample completed stay tuned for the next one soon!

Bye for now x



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BY TORIE PEDERSEN. Powered by Blogger.