My Morining Skincare Routine.

I have to admit my morning routine isn't as strategic as most, its simple, quick and gets the job done with little effort. Im definitely not one to be spending an hour on their skin in the mornings as one most normal people don't have the time and second that just far too much effort.

Step 1. Cleanse.
Im a bit naughty with this step and on a everyday basis unless I have actually nothing to do will be a wipe over the face with a make up wipe. Yes I know make up wipes are not the best thing for your skin but I have never found any problem with this particular wipe. They are the Johnsons Make up be gone pampering wipes. I think they're really for night time use with the relaxing scent but these just do what I need them to do without being over fussy.

Step 2. Tone/refresh.
I don't think you can probably call this a toner but it really tightens my pores and refreshes my whole face which is brilliant for a little pick me up in the morning when you really want to be curled up in your bed. So the product that I use to cheat myself into actually waking up is the Avene Eau Thermal. It's a brand that I really struggle to get my hand on and I've been wanted to try it out for a while. It's basically expensive pressurised water in a spray can. It does have added minerals but I don't really think they do anything radical to my skin but just prepare it for the next step.

Step 3. Moisture.
Usually I would just whatever moisturiser I had in my collection but after receiving a sample of the Nuxe dry oil for face and body, this was a good way of trying an oil instead of moisteriser and ive found that it actually helps to balance out my skin and stop it from creating too much excess oil.

Then im ready for make up or just a lazy day!

Sorry I didn't blog last week had a bit of a personal/stressful week :(

Bye for now x

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